Prebiotic TopinPur Vet for Cats and Dogs can help to support normal Intestinal mucosa as well as your pet's vitality, thanks to the natural and highly effective concentrate extracted from the tuber of Jerusalem Artichoke. It naturally contains inulin, which supports normal bacterial flora in the gut.
Jerusalem Artichoke Concentrate
Feeding Instructions
Dogs per 10 kg: 1 ml daily
Dogs over 50 kg: 5 ml daily
Cats: 1 ml daily
The dosage can be precisely adjusted using the rotatable adjustment ring on the dosing measuring stick.
AniForte¨ Prebiotic TopinPur VET can be given as needed
Analytical Constituents
Crude Protein 4.6%, Crude Fat 0.1%, Crude Ash 3.8%, Crude Fiber 0.2%